Circus Club

Circus Club


Circus club is for students to get together and practice juggling, hula hooping, flow arts, unicycling, acrobatics, contortion, slacklining, balancing arts, and any/all other circus arts. Great for learning new skills, honing existing ones, and meeting like-minded people! We are a very welcoming group, so please come if you have absolutely no experience, but would like to learn circus arts! Also, no equipment is required! There is club equipment available to use such as juggling equipment, dance ribbons, poi, spinning plates, diabolo, flower sticks, and hula hoops. However, if you have your own equipment, feel free to bring it! Meetings are usually in red square as weather permits; otherwise, the Viking Union Multipurpose room or VU 565. 


Spring 2025 meetings will be: Wednesdays and Fridays from 4 - 6 pm (*on 3 of the days it will be 3-5 instead).


If possible, please read and fill out the Circus Club Hold Harmless form: WWU Circus Club Risk Acknowledgement Form


Note: when emailing us please include "Circus Club" in the subject. Thanks!

Contact Information

Contact Email E:
This organization has no officers.